This gallery contains 2 photos.
Letter from Olympic Cricket Club
For the Cricket Players
Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission Partial Demolition Quote
Latest info: lots of answers about Kenmore’s plans are in material submitted this week to the State Recreation & Conservation Office (RCO) as part of the two $750K grant applications to fund the ballfields development. Info is on the webpages below. Once there, click on links dated 5/12/16 and 5/13/16 under the “Attach Date” column. The links take you to a PowerPoint presentation and two PDF documents entitled “16-1643 Draft-St. Edward Ballfields Renovation,” which is part of a detailed rating process.
Daniels Proposal St. Edward Seminary Conference Center Floor Plans
The Daniels Proposal will turn St. Edward Seminary into a conference center: 80 rooms, LOTS of meeting rooms, plus a café, large restaurant, bar and lounge.
There will be much more traffic than the hotel guests coming and going.
A rough calculation shows the following:
80 bedrooms and suites – 30,600 sq. ft.
19 conference and meeting rooms (large, med, small) – 18,300 sq. ft.
Restaurant, cafe & lounge/bar – 4,100 sq. ft.
Spa – 980 sq. ft.
Kitchen, furnaces, building operation areas – 9,600 sq. ft.
400+ attended a public hearing held by State Parks in Kenmore on February 9, to receive comments on a proposed “land exchange” at Saint Edward, officially known as a Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) “land conversion.” There was a 30-minute presentation conducted by State Parks Planner, Michael Hankinson, and Real Estate Developer, Kevin Daniels; followed by public comments from 7 – 9:20 pm during which 68 people, spoke for up to 2 minutes each almost evenly divided between pro and con. Go to Saint Edward Planning for A COMPLETE TRANSCRIPT You may continue to submit written comments on “Provide Comments”
The red outline indicates the 3-acre parking lot expansion. Aligning the southeast side of the map is a parking lot that is next to the castle playground (not included on the map).