Save St Ed ball field from becoming a Sports Complex

Please consider writing your opinion to Washington State Parks Commissioners.

They are taking public comments regarding the City of Kenmore proposal for the conversion (destruction) of the grassy field at St. Edward State Park.

Comments are due no later than 5:00 pm on Friday.

Here’s a “formula” for a quick and simple email:

Mail to: commission

Subject: St. Edward State Park Ballfield

Message: As a resident of (your city), I object to the drastic changes proposed by the City of Kenmore to the ballfield in this state park.

Your Name and Address

Please put that sentence “in your own words”…and feel free to add more if you are so moved! : )

In a nutshell, the current proposal will change the ambiance of this natural park feature into a SPORTS COMPLEX and will:

destroy 90% of the wetland buffer

replace natural turf with artificial turf

install a perimeter of chain link fencing

include stadium lighting

Not only will this result in destruction of this portion of the Biodiversity Corridor, but it will give the City of Kenmore control over the use of the field. (Hint: STAY OUT.)

It is primarily for the convenience of a TINY percent of Kenmore residents, namely a couple hundred Little League players. (Note: a PRIVATE organization.)

It is especially important if you DO NOT LIVE IN KENMORE, that the commissioners hear from you! This is YOUR STATE PARK, not a city park.

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