Update – see this post for most efficient ways to contact reps.
The identical companion bill to SB6377 has now been added to the House Environment Committee HB 2667 for hearing tomorrow, Tuesday, January 26, 1:30 P.M. If by some miracle, anyone can attend please sign in as OPPOSED and testify.
Here is what you might say:
Not only the St. Edward Park land, but many of our other state parks are prime/waterfront/scenic parks obtained many years ago. They are priceless and the land is irreplaceable. Allowing a simple majority of four from an appointed body to sell such lands, subject to political pressure from budget cuts, and political favoritism is foolish.
The Parks Commission is not elected and therefore is not directly accountable to the public. Consider this – Membership changes often so Commissioners do not have a historical perspective or knowledge to use when making important decisions that are short term solutions that will change the landscape of state parks, often in opposition to the stated and publicized Mission of the State Parks Department. Once park land is sold, it is lost for enjoyment by future generations. A terrible legacy to leave for future generations about the importance of nature, natural resources and the environment.
The Parks Commission is a body appointed by the governor. As such, they are subject to changes in policy from one elected term to another– not only the Governor, but the Commission which is reviewing the bill.
Tuesday, January 26th 1:30 the House Environment Committee will consider a bill that will permanently alter the sale and exchange of State Park Land by the State Parks Commission. Currently, a unanimous consent of the Commission is necessary for sale or exchange of State Lands. This bill would allow a a vote of four to transact Park business ( including sale of property ). The bill will significantly lengthen the lease time to eighty years.
Action: Urgent: Contact following House Environment for Hearing Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:30 P.M.
Message to HOUSE members: Oppose HOUSE Bill HB2677. Our priceless heritage in State Park Lands should not be sold or exchanged by majority vote. Keep the unanimous vote requirement by Commissioners. Retain the 50 year lease.
Send e-mails to:
phone | |
roger.goodman@leg.wa.gov | 360 786 7878 |
jessyn.farrell@leg.wa.gov | 360 786 7818 |
joan.mcbride@leg.wa.gov | 360 786 7848 |
joe.fitzgibbon@leg.wa.gov * chair of House Environment Committee | 369 786 7952 |
Listed as sponsors on the House Bill are Ruth Kagi, Jessyn Farrell, and Gerry Pollet.