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Hello , I have lived in Kenmore all my life 50 plus years and am happy to call it home. When Kenmore became a city I was in hopes that they (we) would be good stewards of the area we encompass. When the church allowed their land to become a park I was very pleased knowing it would not be developed or at least not all of it what a treasure we have with this undeveloped piece of real estate. Once a property is changed it is very difficult or impossible to return back to its original setting. We have seen this along Swamp creek which we now have a great chance to keep it a natural setting. The ball field at St. Edwards is a open natural grass field that is welcoming to all that visit it. How can we change that into a Artificial Setting only for the chosen that can enjoy it. It would be way better kept as a natural field that we can leave for our kids and grandkids. What a mistake we made with the pool what a waste of money why would we even consider build more Artificial settings please consider your vote on changing a great place for ever.