Monthly Archives: January 2015

Action Alert!

Next Thursday, January 29, 2015, Washington State Parks Commissioners will be asked to vote on a motion to delegate their authority to parks staff for review and approval of leases of 20 years or less. 

This is found on the agenda as “Item E-2: Real Estate Management Policy –  Requested Action.”  Right now proposals for leases of land and buildings in individual state parks must receive a unanimous vote by the Parks Commission for a lease to be approved for more than 20 years; and a majority vote, i.e. 4 out of 7, for proposed leases of 20 years or less. read more

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Parks Commission Proposes Giving Seminary to Private University

UPDATE  State Parks has CANCELLED the Public Meeting and sent out an email on 1/15/2015 which reads in part:

The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission is cancelling the planning meeting regarding the Saint Edward Seminary rehabilitation that was scheduled for February 4th at the Northshore Utility District in Kenmore. The cancellation is due to Bastyr University’s withdrawal of their proposal.

The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission is working with Bastyr University and a private developer to explore ways to rehabilitate the Seminary. read more

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